Saturday, February 20, 2010


yields four servings

12 mourning dove breast halves
12 jalapeno halves, seeded
12 strips of bacon
1 cup barbeque sauce
1 tablespoon jalapeno jelly
salt and pepper to taste

If necessary, remove the breastbone from the dove. Salt and pepper the meat lightly (remember the bacon will add some saltiness). Wrap each dove breast around a half of seeded jalapeno pepper. Wrap each in a strip of bacon, securing with toothpicks. Preheat a grill to 400°F (approximately 5-10 minutes). Place the poppers on your grilling surface and cook for about 20-30 minutes. In a bowl, combine barbeque sauce and jelly. Apply barbecue mixture to poppers after about 20 minutes. Reapply after 5 minutes, cook another 5 minutes and serve.

bacon recipe courtesy of: Bruce Ring, Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet, 11 South LaSalle Street, Fifth Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60603

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