Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Crème Brûlée
1⅓ cups (330 ml) heavy cream
⅔ cup (160 ml) whole or low-fat milk
¼ cup (50g) granulated sugar, plus more for caramelizing
Pinch sea salt or kosher salt
4 large egg yolks
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
1 tsp of fresh thyme

Candied Bacon
6 thick cut slices of bacon
⅓ cup (65g) of dark brown sugar

Cinnamon Whipped Cream
1 cup of heavy whipping cream
2 tbsp of powdered sugar
1 tsp of cinnamon

Crème Brûlée

On the stovetop, gently warm the milk, cream, salt and sugar in a small saucepan until the sugar melts.

Once the cream mixture starts to steam, but not boil, remove from heat and whisk in the scraped vanilla and fresh thyme. Drop in the split pod and let it rest for 30 minutes.

In a medium sized mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks together lightly. Remove the pod from the cream mixture and gradually add to the egg yolks until completely blended.

Pour the mixture into each dish until you almost reach the top of each and place them on a baking sheet with walls high enough to hold water up to the middle of each dish. Pour the hot water into the baking sheet and place into the oven for approximately 30-35 minutes. They should each barely quiver when you tap the sheet.

Remove the custards and let them rest on a cooling rack. When cool, refrigerate for approximately an hour (covered with plastic wrap if doing so overnight)

Candied Bacon

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F

In a medium sized mixing bowl, toss the bacon and brown sugar until all slices are evenly covered. Arrange each slice on a baking sheet lined with foil about an inch apart and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Check it at the 20 minute mark to see if it's looks crispy. It will continue to crisp once it's out of the oven.

When ready, place on a cooling rack and allow the brown sugar coating to harden.

Cinnamon Whipped Cream

Combine cream, sugar and cinnamon to a medium sized mixing bowl and whisk (or use a hand mixer) until soft peaks form. I chilled ours for 15 minutes (while the bacon rested).

Caramelizing the Sugar

Before serving, add 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar to the top of each cooled custard and tilt until the entire top is covered lightly. Using a torch, wave over the sugar and tilt slightly until it melts and browns. Be careful will shifting the dish as the liquid sugar is very hot. Once caramelized, add the whipped cream and bacon.

bacon recipe source: Thyme & Temp (@thymeandtemp), April 26, 2015

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