Monday, June 23, 2014


70–100 grams linguine 6–8 large prawns
2 rashers of smoked streaky bacon, finely chopped
2 small or 1 large zucchini, sliced into ribbons using a potato peeler, then cut into smaller strips
1 clove of garlic, crushed
half a green chile finely cut
a splash of cream and 50 grams mozzarella (optional)
a few sprigs of thyme or chopped parsley
lemon zest to taste
lemon juice to taste
olive oil
salt and pepper

Cook the pasta in salted boiling water. Just before the pasta is ready, add the zucchini strips to the water and cook for about 2 minutes, then strain in a colander, set aside. Heat a pan and fry the bacon until crispy, remove and set aside. In the same pan, with a bit of the bacon fat lining it, very quickly fry the prawns until just starting to turn pink. As they turn pink, add the garlic and chilli to the pan and toss around a bit. Then squeeze over a bit of lemon juice and a few grates of zest along with the thyme or chopped parsley (or both). Add the bacon back, along with the pasta and zucchini and mix it about ensuring all the ingredients are heated. Add the cream and mozzarella if you want a more indulgent pasta, otherwise its a lovely, lighter and zesty dish. Add salt and black pepper if necessary and serve.

bacon recipe source: Sam Linsell, Drizzle & Dip, July 31, 2011

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