Wednesday, July 17, 2013


For each roll:
1 4in x 7in piece nori
about 1/2 – 3/4 cup prepared sushi rice
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds, if desired
2 ounces fresh tuna, cut in to 1/4 in width strips
1 strip cooked bacon, or 1 tablespoon finely chopped cooked bacon
1/4 small Granny Smith apple, peeled, cut into thin strips and placed in 1/4 cup sushi rice dressing
1 teaspoon finely chopped scallions
apple chips for garnish, optional

To assemble sushi roll, place nori horizontally on the work surface, being sure that the rough side is facing upwards. Cover the entire surface with an even, thin layer of prepared sushi rice. If desired, sprinkle sesame seeds across rice. Flip seaweed over so that rice in facing down. 

Place tuna horizontally in the middle of the nori, being sure that it extends to both edges of the nori. Place bacon, or chopped bacon on nori in the same fashion as the tuna strips. Repeat with scallions. . Remove apple strips from dressing and pat dry. Place apple strips on the nori being sure that they extend to both edges of the nori.

Roll according to the technique for making inside out rolls (see below). Cut roll into 6-8 pieces. Serve with wasabi and pickled ginger if desired. Add apple chips for garnish.

How to Make an Inside Out Roll (Ura Maki): Begin with a piece of 4-in by 7-in nori. Place the nori directly on a cutting board, making sure the long end is parallel to the bottom of the board and that the rough side is facing upwards. With fingertips dipped lightly in cold water, spread about 3⁄4 cup of prepared sticky rice evenly over the entire surface of the nori. Flip nori over so that rice is face down on the cutting board. Add desired ingredients horizontally in the middle of the nori, making sure that ingredients are spread evenly and touch both edges of the nori. With damp fingertips, place thumbs underneath nori while grasping fillings with all other fingertips. Roll the bottom of the nori just over the fillings, making sure to tightly tuck the fillings under the fold. Continue rolling the first fold until it reaches the top edge of the nori. With a bamboo rolling mat covered in plastic wrap, gently shape roll by pressing forefingers on top of the mat while simultaneously pressing thumbs and middle fingers on the sides. Check to see that the seam side of the roll rests on the cutting board before cutting into 6–8 pieces.

bacon recipe courtesy of: Marisa Baggett, Sushi Secrets, September 4, 2008

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