Wednesday, January 16, 2013


serves two

1 lb. monkfish loin
2 cups chopped Savoy cabbage
1/4 pound slab bacon
1 cup rich chicken stock
1 tablespoon chopped coriander
2 tablespoons butter

Cut the bacon into 1/4" slices (see image above). Saute the bacon in an oven proof pan. Set the bacon to rest on a paper towel. Cook the cabbage for 3 minutes in chicken stock. Add 1/2 the bacon and cook another 1 minute. Pan roast the monkfish in the bacon fat that was rendered till browned. Put in a preheated 500F oven and roast for 5 minutes. Let the monkfish rest for 5 minutes.

Assembly: Reheat the cabbage and bacon with the finely chopped coriander and the butter into the liquid broth. Place the cabbage and bacon in the center of a heated plate. Garnish with any remaining bacon. Cut the monkfish in half and place a top the cabbage.

bacon recipe courtesy of: Greenmarket Recipes

1 comment:

Bensa International said...

This sounds so delicious! The combination of bacon and cabbage is a classic. Thanks for sharing.